Thursday, 28 May 2015

Little Acts of Kindness that Go a Long Way

We often forget the power of little things and how even the smallest acts of kindness, care, and respect for one another can often leave a lasting impression far larger than the act itself.
Simple meaningful gestures can always brighten someone’s day! It doesn’t take lots of money or extravagant gifts to make someone happy. We often forget how much of an impact a little act of kindness can have, which may not mean much to the person doing them, but may mean the world to the person receiving them.

Here’s our list of the little acts of kindness that can not only make us all feel better but most importantly brighten someone's day…

  • Greet someone standing next to you in the elevator
  • Take a minute to direct someone who is lost, even though you're rushing
  • Write a letter to a child or an elderly who could use some extra attention
  • Offer to pick up groceries for an elderly neighbour
  • Buy food for a homeless person
  • Help an elderly climb the stairs or hold the door open for them
  • Each time you get a new item of clothing, give away something old
  • Out of the blue, send flowers to a friend
  • Say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and really mean it
  • When you're in a crowded train or bus, offer your seat to an elderly, disabled or pregnant lady
  • Don't interrupt when someone is explaining themselves
  • Stop jumping queues
  • Help a blind person, elderly cross the road
  • Stop at the Stop sign and wait for the signal to turn green
  • Honk a little less
  • Feed a starving stray dog
  • Call or write to a teacher/mentor who changed your life
  • Bring a box of goodies to share with people at work
  • Forgive someone a debt and never bring it up again
  • Always listen attentively
  • Show appreciation
  • Simply say ‘I'm sorry’ when you're wrong
  • Leave a generous tip for a pleasant waiter

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