Sunday, 7 June 2015

M.O.P. 2828 Forex Scam (Bankrupt), Founder, Alvin Boon disappeared

Date : April 8th, 2015
Subject: M.O.P. 2828 and Easy Capital Global scam

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Traders/Investors/Marketers,

I am writing to discuss about Easy Capital Global issues. I feel very sorry and I apologize for the late explanation because Heng Swee Boon (Alvin) did not give us a proper explanation about the withdrawal, website, and MT4 issues. As your concern, I investigated Easy Capital Global company all over again and I found not only the website and MT4 was down but their licenses already changed name and will strike off in June 2015.

The reason I write this message to you is because Alvin did not fulfill his promised to us. He promised us that the company is good to be invested in and promised us will go to Australia to look for solutions for the late withdrawal issues but he did not pick up any call after Chinese New year. Right now, the situation of Easy Capital Global looks like a scam rather than a legit broker. In the meantime, Alvin Boon disappeared and refuse to explain to us right after Easy Capital Global withdrawal issues show up. Is there something between Alvin Boon and Easy Capital Global?

This email is not to complain but I hope we can start an action together to claim our money back. I had consulted a lawyer and found that we can report these scam issues to ASIC and police department. I am highly recommending to report to ASIC because after ASIC investigated the reported company, the outcome would be punitive, protective, preservative, corrective, negotiated resolution and there will be compensation depending on the investigated results. In addition, clients should also report to Malaysia Police Department to keep a record.

I have attached some sample of report which my friends and I had done early. By the way, I also attached some information in this email and I think it would be helpful to your report.
I hope all of you can stop waiting for Alvin’s answer and start reporting in ASIC and police department. Please collect more evidence to prove you are one of the scam victims. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best wishes,


  1. Ever got cheated or scammed or are you a victim of Forex Scam ? You may get in touch with professional ethical service provider to help tackle such malpractices.

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